The Annual NIBROC Rummage Sale – August 9-11
Thursday & Friday: 9-4 Saturday: 9-12
Your help is needed!
You can:
1. Donate items. We will accept all new and gently used items that are just taking up space in your house. We could also use plastic shopping bags for our guests to use for shopping.
2. Pick up items (Mon., Aug 6th -Thurs., Aug. 9th) Help those who want to donate but cannot deliver their items.
3. Help with set-up and pricing (Tues. and Wed.). If you have organizational skills or enjoy the flea market atmosphere, come and serve by getting us prepared. To assist those who are setting up and pricing, please put your clothing donations on hangers, when possible.
4. Work the sale (Thurs., Fri., and Sat.). Come be social and show the people of our community the love of Christ through your service during the sale. We will split the days into shifts.
5. Help with clean-up (Sat.). You can serve by gathering up the leftovers and helping get those to a place to donate.
6. Feed the people (Tues. – Sat.). If you have that special gift of serving sandwiches or fried chicken to volunteers they will need nourishment this week. Or, if you have good items you would like to contribute to a bake sale, these are always enjoyed and appreciated.
Sign up sheets are available on the table outside of Alex’s office!
For more information you can contact the church office at 528-4738!