The Southeastern Kentucky Ministerial Alliance invites you to Holy Week services April 10-14, 2017. The schedule for lunch is 11:30am and worship at 12:15-1:00pm at the following locations:
April 10 - Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church
April 11 - Corbin Presbyterian Church
April 12 - Christian Care Communities
April 13 - Corbin Church of the Nazarene
April 14 - First Baptist Church of Corbin
First Baptist Church of Corbin will be hosting the Good Friday Service and lunch on April 14th. Lunch will be served at 11:30am and worship will begin at 12:15pm.
The kitchen crew plans to provide vegetable and vegetable beef soup but would like your help with the sandwiches and desserts. A sign-up sheet is available in the office or you may call 528-4738.