"Sine Nomine"
Sine nomine is a Latin phrase that means “without a name.” SINE NOMINE is also the tune name associated with the hymn, “For All the Saints.” This vision honors the First Baptist saints from the past by building on their foundation, it calls present-day saints to dream and plan and work, and it provides a framework for future First Baptist saints to serve God in this location. This vision includes both temporal and spiritual aspects, and encourages the church to use its assets to further the building of God’s kingdom. Included are:
1. a new entry/atrium that allows access (by stairs/ramps/elevator) to all parts of the building. It also serves as an obvious entryway into the church building,
2. (a). a covered walkway/façade on Laurel Avenue that physically and stylistically connects our three buildings, making them a unified whole,
(b). restroom/restrooms on the NW corner of the sanctuary building,
3. restroom/restrooms for the 3rd floor Youth Suite,
4. a plan by which residents of Sojourn House partner with our Mustard Seed Garden to work the garden and to sell produce and/or products from the garden (cottage industry),
5. a soup kitchen operated from Rainbow House,
6. the acquisition of property on Laurel Avenue (other side of overpass); the building of “tiny houses” and/or garden homes – in partnership with Baptist Housing or Sojourn House,
7. a plan to remodel and rename the Family Life Center, forming the John T. Dunaway Missions and Ministry Center – housing the Food Pantry, White Flag Ministry, and space for interns and/or traveling mission groups,
8. an endowment that funds the salary/stipend for a missions pastor and/or interns,
9. a dream where the church comes to more closely resemble the kingdom of God, where
*old and young,
*male and female,
*gay and straight,
*a variety of ethnicities,
*new members and long-term members,
*the permanently housed, the newly housed, the “not-yet housed,”
*those who live around the corner and those who drive a distance to get here, and
*mature Christians and new Christians
are able to worship and work together to build God’s kingdom in this place.